Our framework shows what we as an organisation believe.

<h4><strong>People we support</strong></h4>

People we support

  • Are encouraged and supported to dream.
  • Are given opportunities to demonstrate their capacity and resourcefulness.
  • Have a choice over where they live, who they live with and how they are supported.
  • Have the opportunity to direct how their service is delivered.
  • Have contributions to make to their communities.
  • Have opportunities to get to know and be known by as many people as possible.
  • Live as valued members of their communities, surrounded by a wide network


  • Have the opportunity to contribute and influence the development of the service.
  • Feel the gifts, skills and contributions are acknowledged and appreciated.
  • Have their passion and creativity released by adapting jobs to match a person's strengths and gifts.
  • Listen to people and act on what has been heard.
  • Act together from a shared sense of purpose.
  • Have an opportunity to discover and do what matters.
  • Challenge the low expectations that people we support generally experience.
  • Are acknowledged as resources in their own communities.
  • Know what is expected of them at work and are supported to achieve this.


  • We continue to learn through encouraging and celebrating good attempts
  • We promote decision making to be as close to the person as possible.
  • We create a person centred company where everyone matters.
  • We support fair and ethical business practice.
    We develop a "can-do" culture.
  • We work in partnership with our allies as "together we're better".
  • We make time to reflect on practice and re-visit our purpose.


  • We strive to increase the communities ability to include everyone.
  • We create opportunities for people to get to know each other and develop friendships and relationships.
  • We promote equal and respectful relationships.
  • We highlight peoples gifts and qualities.
  • We counter discrimination through positive participation.

"It was a real privilege to inspect this service and to see the how people were being supported to live independent lives by enthusiastic and dedicated staff."

Mark Bergmanski, CQC Inspector

"I would like to once again thank you for your team's excellent work, which is a credit both to IAS and the individual who has changed this young man's life."

Social Worker in Oldham - Regarding IAS's Reablement Service

CQC Inspections