Privacy Policy

Our Privacy Policy aims to explain how Imagine, Act & Succeed collects and uses the personal information you provide to us or that we collect from you. If you have any queries about this policy, please don't hesitate to contact our Data Protection Officer via the following details.

  • Email:
  • Post: 110 Chapel Street, Leigh, WN7 2DB

Information collection

Imagine, Act & Succeed collects information about you in the following ways:

  • Information you provide to us.
    For example, when you donate to us or register for one of our events, we’ll often ask for personal information, such as your name, email address, telephone number, and contact preferences. We’ll also ask you to confirm if you are a taxpayer so that we may claim Gift Aid on any future donations you make or have made to us in the past four years.

  • Information we collect during your time on our website.
    Where possible, we collect information about the content you interact with on our website and how engaging or useful this was for you. We also collect information such as the version of web browser you use and your IP address. Please refer to our cookie policy for further information regarding this data collection.

  • Information from third parties.
    If you have chosen to interact with any of our third-party partners, we may receive information about you from them. Examples of such third parties include but are not limited to, JustGiving, Facebook, and eBay.

Information processing

Imagine, Act & Succeed collects, stores, and uses the following forms of personal information:

  • Your name, email address, postal address, telephone number, contact preferences and date of birth (where appropriate).

  • Your bank or credit/debit card details when you make a payment to us.

    • Please note that we do not store your credit or debit card details. The Financial information processing section (below) explains how we handle this data.

  • Information about the content you accessed and the device you used during visits to our website, including your IP address, geographical location and pages visited.

  • Information about your tax status so we can claim Gift Aid where applicable.

Financial information processing

  • When using your credit or debit card to donate or buy something from us, we employ the services of specialist payment processors to conduct the transaction process securely under Payment Card Industry (PCI) Data Security Standards. For more information about Security Standards, please visit

Special Category Data

The law regards certain categories of personal information as more sensitive than others. This is known as a 'special category' or 'sensitive personal data' and covers information about health, ethnic origin, religious beliefs, and political opinions.

Instances where we may collect sensitive personal data about the health of our supporters or service users:

  • Confirm your dietary requirements.
  • Ensure we provide appropriate facilities or medical support.
  • Register a patient referral.

We use the information you provide us with to:

  • Provide you with requested services, products, or information.
  • Let you know how your support has helped the charity.
  • Send you information about our work, activities, volunteering, or event opportunities.
  • Process any donations, event bookings or shop orders we receive from you.
  • Create an account on our website for you if you register with us.
  • Process orders from our online shop or provide after-sales services.
  • Respond to your enquiries, feedback, or complaints.
  • Invite you to participate in surveys or research.
  • Personalise the way our online information is presented to you.
  • Retain your information as required by law (For example, Gift Aid).

Legal basis for processing

Imagine, Act & Succeed are required to set out the lawful grounds on which we collect, store, and process your personal information as described in this Policy:

  • Legitimate Interest:
    The grounds of legitimate interest are applicable when we consider that it is in both yours and our own interest to process your data.

    Under the grounds, we endeavour to always consider and balance any likely impact on you and your rights under data protection laws. Our aim is to never knowingly process your personal information for activities where our interests are prioritised above the impact on you (unless we are otherwise required to by law).

    Under the grounds of legitimate interest, we will only use your information in accordance with the purposes set out in this Policy. Some likely examples of legitimate interest data processing are:

    • Confirming receipt of donations.
    • Administering events (such as providing you with information you need to participate in an activity you have registered with us for.
    • Sending information to supporters by post for fundraising purposes.
    • Conducting research to understand who our supporters are and how best to serve their interests.
    • Analyse how our audience responds to different marketing activities to ensure that communications are targeted, relevant, and effective.

  • Explicit Consent:
    In many cases, we will rely on obtaining your explicit consent to process your personal information in a certain way (for example, asking for your consent to send you regular marketing communications or newsletters).

  • Legal Obligation:
    We may need to collect, process, and disclose personal information to comply with our legal obligations. For example, we are legally obliged to store and disclose donor transaction details to HMRC for Gift Aid and accounting/tax purposes.

  • Performance of a contract:
    If you purchase something from our online shop, we need to be able to process your information for the purpose of meeting our contractual obligations to you.

Your rights

You have the following legal rights in relation to our collection and processing of your personal information:

  • Right to be informed:
    You have the right to be informed about how your personal information will be used. Through this Policy and other signposts and statements used on our communications we have endeavoured to provide you with a clear and transparent description of how your personal information will be used by Imagine, Act & Succeed.

  • Right of access:
    Under the right of access you can ask us to confirm what information we hold about you and request for a copy of that information (and other related information). Subject to our entitlement checks, we will provide you with a copy of such personal information subject to any exceptions that may apply.

  • Right of erasure:
    At your request we will erase your personal information from our records, providing that we don't have any overriding legitimate reasons for retaining it (for example, to comply with HMRC Gift Aid tax purposes).

  • Right of rectification:
    Should you believe that personal information that we have on record for you are inaccurate, then you have the right to ask us to update those records should you wish to.

  • Right to restrict processing:
    Under the right to restrict processing, you can request us to restrict the processing of your personal information. This right is often used when there is disagreement about data accuracy or whether our use of such data is legitimate or not.

  • Rights related to automated decision-making:
    On certain occasions, we may take automated decisions based on your personal information with no human involvement (for example, assessing the likelihood that you may be interested in our sporting event calendar). Where this is the case, you have the right to ask us for human intervention or to challenge any such decision.

  • Right to object:
    You have the right to object to the processing of your data where we are:
    • Processing your personal information based on legitimate interest grounds but have no compelling reason to continue doing so.
    • Using your personal information for direct marketing.
    • Using your personal information for statistical purposes.

Our privacy policy aims to give you control about how your data us used, and to provide you with clear choices about how and if you want to receive information about our work, how we raise funds and the ways you can get involved. If you would prefer us not to contact you, you always have the right to object or change your mind at any time.

Should you wish to, you can always opt-out of our marketing communications by clicking the ‘unsubscribe’ link found in our marketing emails. You can also change or edit any of your contact preferences at any time through the features available on our website or by contacting our data protection officer directly.

If you have indicated that you no longer wish to be contacted by us for marketing purposes, we will still retain your details but place them on to a 'no-contact' directory to ensure that we do not contact you accidentally. Under certain circumstances, we may still need to contact you if you continue to engage with us, including (but not limited to):

  • Processing a donation, you make or any continuing direct debit.
  • Process orders from our online shop or provide after-sales services.
  • Providing you with information you need in order to participate in an event which you have registered;

You can also enter your details on the Fundraising Preference Service (FPS) website by searching for our charity name or registered charity number. Please be aware that this service is run by the Fundraising Regulator and allows you to stop email, telephone, addressed post, and/or text messages from a selected charity. Once you have submitted a request through the FPS service, we will ensure that your new preferences take effect within 28 days of your request.

If you would like to exercise any of the rights pertaining to this privacy policy, please send relevant details and a description of the personal information in question to our Data Protection Office, details of whom can be found in the ‘contacting us’ section of this policy. Please note that some of the rights detailed in this policy may be subject to legal restrictions, which we'll inform you about if they should apply to your query.

For more information about your privacy rights or if you are not happy with how we deal with a request relating to your privacy, you can always contact the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) directly.

Information and disclosure

Imagine, Act & Succeed will not knowingly sell or rent your personal information to any third parties for marketing purposes. However, there may be occasions where we may need to disclose your personal information in the following circumstances:

  • To other entities, subsidiaries, suppliers, or service providers to provide the products or services that you have purchased or requested from our us. For example, where we use a deliver company to send you a product you have purchased from us.
  • To third parties we employ under our strict instructions. These third parties are referred to as 'data processors' and include trusted partners that work with us to achieve our aims and objectives. We require all our third-party data processors to act lawfully and in accordance with our strict instructions to ensure that appropriate controls are in place to keep your information secure. If you would like to request a list of our third-party data processors, please contact our data protection officer directly.
  • To social media companies such as Facebook, YourTube or other popular digital advertising networks that provide brand promotional and marketing services. You can request that your data is not used in this way by contacting our Data Protection Officer; however, this may not necessarily prevent our advertisements being shown to you in the future.
  • Where we are required by law to store, maintain, and disclose your personal information in order to comply with any legal obligation, for example, where ordered by government bodies and law enforcement agencies.

Keeping your personal information

We will only retain your personal information for as long as absolutely needed for the purposes set out in this Policy.

Imagine, Act & Succeed have implemented a data retention policy that details the different periods that we retain personal information in respect of purposes described in this policy. The criteria we use for determining retention periods is based on guidance issued by pertinent regulatory authorities, legal requirements, and whether there is a legitimate reason for continuing to store your data.

Personal information that falls outside of our retention policy is securely disposed of and/or anonymised so that you can no longer be identified from such data. Imagine, Act & Succeed continually review what personal information and records that we hold and delete any that is no longer required.

Contacting Us

If you would like to receive further information about this Policy or any of our safeguards, please contact the Data Protection Officer:

  • Email:
  • Post: 110 Chapel Street, Leigh, WN7 2DB