I do like Mondays

Just like my poem says Monday is really my favourite day

Having not been to Ladies Fellowship for a while due to different things, imagine my delight when my friends at the fellowship cheered me in and told me how much they all missed me.

On this particular occasion one of the leaders in the fellowship addressed the ladies. She spoke about different poems from well known writers and some of the poems she had written herself. Towards the end of the talk she said there is a poem in each of us and she gave us a notepad and pen to write a poem as a grop. In my team there were four ladies who helped me write the poem. Involving me in the writing and then later reading the poem back to me gave me lots of smiles knowing that I am much loved by the ladies and I am a valued member of the group.

Just like the poem says Monday is really my favourite day.

Today is Monday

Monday is my favourite day

I look forward to meeting the ladies there


What can I say about Monday?

Today the first day of my week!

Sun is shining we have a reason to Thank God

I am alive and here to see you all

Monday the sound of ladies fellowship makes me want to leap

Praise God for Monday