It's going well at Fiona Gardens

Fiona Gardens is giving people what they want.

Fiona Gardens is an ‘extra care’ facility in Sale with 71 apartments. It promotes independent living for people with a variety of support or care needs. A report into the impact and success of the scheme has been undertakien and really gives some very positive feedback. The report has taken into account information from staff of IAS and THT, and from the people that live at Fiona Gardens.

IAS have been working in partnership with Trafford Housing Trust for some time now at Fiona Gardens. The report states that the shared vision and partnership between IAS and THT has resulted in positive wellbeing outcomes for those living at Fiona Gardens.

Here is an excerpt from the report:

"There is an emphasis on the social aspect of Fiona Gardens and developing positive relationships; the care staff are a social presence in the scheme and all staff and most of the residents have a One Page Profile. This helps to build relationships between residents and staff and inform the types of social activities that are provided. Care is tailored to residents’ individual needs; care and support plans and daily person-centred monitoring allow residents to feel in control of their care, and their support requirements are regularly reviewed."

Activities at Fiona Gardens are very well attended, which reflects the close match between residents’ interests and the activities offered, as well as the importance of on-site activities for those with reduced mobility.

It is clear that residents feel safe, secure and independent at Fiona Gardens. This in turn positively affects the wellbeing of residents’ families, who can be assured that their relative is well cared for"

The report continues to say that the people living there that were interviewed were  pleased with the quality of care, and even those who hadn't needed to call on support in an emergency felt reassured and safe that help and support was available if needed.

Another really important point in the report that we are proud of is that people said living at Fiona Gardens had helped them keep their independance.

The report concluded, "The model of person centred care that delivers continuity of care with a focus on wellbeing adopted at Fiona Gardens should continue"

and that

"Identifying the care provider early to develop a clear vison for the service should be adopted at other other extra care schemes."

Fiona Gardens is yet another successful example of partnership working and how together we can achieve great things with people. People make things happen!