Quality Counts at IAS

IAS Quality Provider!

In the last 6 months our 4 networks have had separate CQC (Care Quality Commission) Inspections.

These took place in Oldham, Salford, Wigan North and Wigan South. These unannounced inspections are to check that essential standards of quality and safety.

They looked specifically at

  • The personal care or treatment records of people who use the service.
  • Observed how people were being cared for.
  • Talked with people who use the service.
  • We talked with staff and reviewed information we asked the provider to send to us.

Some of the things the CQC inspectors said.

  • The people being supported looked relaxed and happy. One person told us, "I like living here".
  • We observed a relaxed and friendly atmosphere in the home, with staff and people living in the home engaged in conversations.
  • One parent told us: "I do things in partnership with IAS, we work together, I now have a very good relationship with the managers. If I have a problem I can discuss it openly and they try to resolve things."
  • All care records we looked included detailed, individualised care plans and risk assessment. Those individuals who had the capacity to consent had contributed to the plans and signed these documents.
  • People expressed a lot of confidence in the staff and the managers and felt that they had no problems.
  • Everyone spoken with knew how to access staff, the managers and how to make a complaint.
  • We found that documentation showed that staff followed company procedures and that the daily records were signed by staff members.
  • We contacted the quality monitoring team from the local social services department. They said that they had no concerns about this service provider.

We are pleased to say the result of all inspections we were classed as compliant. This is the best classification we can obtain.

So well done to all the staff and people IAS support on very positive CQC inspection results.