Social Evening

Sometimes one person’s idea can trigger something really amazing that benefits so many people. La Vida Loca, Wigan’s Social Evening started out like that. The spark came from an individual supported by IAS who wanted a girlfriend.

This resulted in asking other people what they wanted and then came a lot of ideas including setting up a dating agency! Ultimately La Vida Loca was born.

The evening, which started around four years ago, is held on the last Friday of every month at Golbourne Catholic Club. It originally started with 30 people attending and that has now grown to 80 to 100 people. In fact the evening is now open to anyone, not just people supported by IAS, but people supported by other organisations and families and the idea has been replicated by the Wigan Active Living Team.

The evening is for people to meet up, have a drink or dance and get to know new people – basically to have a good time! There have been new friendships and romantic relationships built and a whole load of fun had!